Henohenomoheji is a street photography series executed in Japan, 2018. The visit lead through the regions of Kanto, Chubu, Kansai, Chugoku and Shikoku over a span of a little under two months. The photos were taken in a variety of places, from large cities to rural areas, all in genuine black and white film. “Henohenomoheji” is the phonetic transcription of a series of Hiragana characters, which - when drawn in a specific order - form a cartoonish face. The combination of characters is verbally nonsensical, but it does nonetheless produce a rather complex and enigmatic expression by repurposing symbols and reorganising them in order to form a face. The title doesn’t just illustrate that the photographer is an outsider, it also introduces the idea of an organised enigma composed of repurposed symbols the sum of which form a new symbol with new meaning.